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义乌市马丽汽车用品厂是一家集生产,经营的综合性企业,专业生产汽车用品,产品已畅销全国各地,并远销东南亚,欧美,韩国等国家和地区。 本公司专业生产脚垫,方向盘套,腰靠,太阳挡,坐垫等等。 热忱欢迎海内外新老客商与本公司携手,共创辉煌 YiWu Marrycar AUTO ACCESSORIES Co., Ltd. is a jewelry production, operation of integrated enterprise, specializing in the production of automotive supplies, products are sold throughout the country and exported to Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States, South Korea and other countries and regions. The company is specialized in producing steering wheel cover, Yao Kao, sun block, cushion, and so on. We welcome new and old customers at home and abroad with the companies work together to create brilliant义乌马丽汽车用品厂YiWu Marrycar AUTO ACCESSORIES Co., Ltd. 营业部:长春三区10幢2-2 ,福田五区68912b Sales: International Trade City, 109gate 68912B 公司地址:浙江东阳市画水镇画水工业区 Address:YIWU City in Zhejiang Province 手机:13157115558 电话... [详细介绍]
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